THE GROVE - Baptist Womens Fellowship


B.W.F. Report 1999

The B.W.F. as you know meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. It has been really encouraging for me to see the numbers gradually increase and a good number of the younger ladies faithfully attending. It is an even bigger blessing to watch the ladies take part, listen to them pray and have fellowship with them. Many of the ladies, when I approach them for the first time say, "Oh, I couldn’t do that!" Guess what They have no choice. I am so thankful to you all, for your prayers, your support and your help.

We started our work at the B.W.F on Tuesday 12th January 1999.

This was a Prayer Meeting and it was our aim to begin a new session of the ladies work in prayer. At this meeting we were reminded of our text for the year, "What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me"

During our first session we had some visitors from the Torch Trust. This was an open meeting and some ladies from other branches attended. It was very moving to watch and listen to our two blind friends. This experience was also very humbling, such faith and such love in their Saviour.

We also had Desmond and Mavis Creelman and Mrs. Moore the new secretary for the B.W.F.

I always like to try something new, so this year we had a quiz, an object night and a Bible Study. On this occasion we talked about 8 things we needed to do in order to support each other.

As usual some of the ladies attended the Area Rally and the Women’s conference in March and the Baptist Women’s Rally in May at the Cresent Church, when the speaker was Mrs. Rose Dowsett.

We ended our session with a super night in Carmichael’s Holywood. We had a wonderful meal and some super entertainment. For those of you who were at the Church dinner at the beginning of 1999 and saw the ‘goings on ‘ of the County Tyrone folk, and the tale of Bertie and Bertha, well, I’m sorry, you missed the BIG DAY when Wee Wilie got married to his American.

At the end of September we began another session and this time our opening speaker was Carol Heron and Lorna Douglas was the soloist. In October it really was a thrill for me to hand the meeting over to Angela Hegans and Ann Rodgers. Again we had a wonderful night and the presence of the Lord was greatly felt as the two ladies told of how the Lord saved them and how, even though they felt they had let Him down many times He never left their side.

Other speakers in this session included Rita McCormick from the Breda Centre, Gerald Titmus from Mission Force Trust and the Students from the Baptist College.

Our year came to a close on Tuesday 7th December when we had our special Christmas Tea. This year we brought in caters to provide the supper and our speaker was Mrs. Amy Roberts. A good number of our unsaved friends and some of our ladies from the Mother and Toddlers attended this meeting. When we had finished our meal we moved into the Wilson hall to listen to Mrs. Roberts. What can I say, "Surely the Lord was in this place." Amy told us in great detail about her life of sin and what the Lord had rescued her from. She told us about her wonderful Saviour, she sang about her wonderful Saviour and it was very evident from her that she loved the Lord with all her heart. Not a sound could be heard in that room and many of the ladies were challenged.

I just want to thank the Lord for all His goodness durning 1999. I thank him for such a good bunch of ladies, it makes my job a little easier. I thank the Lord for Ruby and Betty and the help of the committee, it is my prayer and desire to see every one of the ladies grow in the Lord.
